The perfect image for all visitors and devices Quicq's smart technology automatically switches between different next-gen image formats based on the visitor's device. Experience lightning-fast loading times with Quicq Serve each image in the smallest possible file size and increase your conversion! With Afosto's image optimization app Quicq all your images are optimized and compressed. This way all unnecessary bites are stripped from the images without loss of quality. The same image on a mobile device is made smaller than on a desktop. Images that are too large increase loading times A common and growing problem with our webshop customers was the optimization of their images. This takes a lot of time and effort if you have to do it manually. Often, images from suppliers or self-created images are not optimized for the web, and even if they are, usually no smaller images are used for mobile. This slows down your website's loading speed and makes it less likely to convert and be found. Optimise your images automatically with Quicq With Quicq oversized images are a thing of the past. The tool optimizes every image on your website for every browser and every device. As a result, images are served to the user in the smallest possible way without loss of quality. “We noticed that actually all our customers suffered from oversized images on their site and got more and more questions about it. Search engines are also becoming increasingly strict when it comes to loading times. To solve this problem, we created Quicq, a tool that allows our clients to spend no time at all on their image optimisation. ” P. Bakker - Developer Afosto 1 Free Quicq trial The subscription includes a free 14-day trial period. 2 Install Quicq on your website With our easy onboarding, you can implement Quicq on your site within 10 minutes! 3 Enjoy faster loading times After installation, your images are optimised immediately.
Questions and Answers
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Het is super simpel. De plugin installeer je in je WordPress site. Je voegt een API sleutel toe die je aanmaakt in je dashbaord bij Quicq. Daarna worden je afbeeldingen automatisch omgezet tot WEBP afbeeldingen. Je hoeft verder niks te doen. Het mooiste is dat de tool een gratis optie heeft waardoor kleine sites met minder traffic eigenlijk niks hoeven te betalen.

Easy to configure. The software is easy to set up with a helpful tutorial to guide you through to process. After setup, there's not much to do besides enjoying fast images. Our page speed increased a lot since we have a lot of images in our content.

Quicq is implemented on our website on the recommendation of Afosto to improve our pagespeed and lighthouse scores for Google. The plugin was installed and setup within an hour or so and works perfectly fine! We don't have to think about optimizing the images on our website https://sanwinbeachwear.com anymore.

Quicq is an fast and easy way to optimize your images for your website. They are fairly priced and they help gaining our customers more visitors and revenue due to higher pagespeed.

Quicq helps to optimize all of the images on my website, with over 100k products this is an amazing job. By using Quicq our pagespeed jumped with over 15 points.

The Afosto team has implemented the tool. The page speed and loading time improved a lot.

Afosto installed and implemented Quicq for us which immediately solved the 2 main errors which we where getting from Google Pagespeed.

The seamless integration into WordPress with the Quicq plugin

The quick and easy setup of the tool is a key benefit

In de recente versie moet je nog in de app van quicq zelf inloggen om daar een API key aan te maken. Misschien is het een optie om dit vanuit de WordPress plugin zelf te laten doen door in de WordPress plugin een inlog optie te maken. Je logt dan in met je Quicq account om hier je site te selecteren/ in te voeren waarna quicq het doet.

We are using Quicq's wordpress plugin. There were some issues with image urls. Even though the problems were resolved, it would be better if they released the plugin without issues.

Nothing, setup, onboarding and installation was flawless

I dont dislike anything as of right now. The tool does what it says to do. Due too Quicq we can deliver top speed websites for our clients!

nothing, it was set up by the Afosto team and working fine since then.

Nothing so far, easy to use and it's working fine.

We have to transfer from the old environment to the new one.

Nothing it's a really nice service. Almost everything is perfect

Nothing pops up at this moment, I simply love using Quicq
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